C Results announces rebrand to B Results, Celebrates World Bee Day
Business owners Matt Cahill (L) and Chris Hebbard launch the new branding for B Results
C Results Print and Display has rebranded to B Results as the company doubles down on building its future growth ambitions. Launched on World Bee Day, the new branding represents the first step in the company’s pivot towards honey production, custom beekeeping bandanas and honey packaging.
While most companies would spend a small fortune on branding, B Results have the skills and capability to deliver the brand strategy and design in-house, with B Results Designer and Illustrator Kody Mason. Matt Cahill, now CBEEO at B Results said the rebrand was essential in repositioning as a printing business specialising in the production, printing and packaging of local organic honey.
‘Ever since I bee-came the Accidental Beekeeper, I’ve always had this feeling that a beekeeping focused, bee-spoke printing business in Perth would be the bees knees. The more honey I’m producing and eating, the more I bee-lieve it makes commercial sense. WA honey is a hidden gem, so it’s time we took it to the world. Bee-coming B Results allows us to do that.”
A small sample of the new B Results branding, soon to be widely in market
While the designs are strong, the reception to the rebrand has been lukewarm. The cost to refit the factory has been significant, and key personnel and investors have raised concerns regarding the new management style and honey consumption of Mr Cahill, including Mr Cahill’s business partner, Chris Hebbard.
“The excessive use of bee puns are really starting to grind us all down. He thinks they’re hilarious, but actually they’re terrible. It doesn’t help that he consumes around a kilo of honey each morning, often before 9am, so the puns are just relentless. Thankfully he’s starting to lose his teeth due to how much honey he eats, so that will help”.
“To be honest though we’re all pretty concerned about him. All he ever talks about is honey. But I can never get close enough for a chat because he’s constantly surrounded by the damn bees. As for the cost of re-fitting the business to start producing honey… well let’s just say I won’t be retiring any time soon.” Mr Hebbard said.
When questioned Mr Cahill was animated and upbeat. “Sure, we didn’t get much change from $150 million to set up our factory to produce honey, but I bee-lieve the results will speak for themselves, and the new brand will grow bee-yond our expectations. Yes, I love honey, I’m not going to shy away from that. Some people love coffee, I love honey. 20 cups a day of coffee is normal for some people right? Well I do 20 pots of honey. It’s what keeps me going.” he said.
Local organic honey from the Accidental Beekeeper, soon to be sold by B Results
It’s an ambitious plan for the new B Results. Globally the honey market is fragmented and competitive, and premium honey like the New Zealand Manuka honey commands high market share. However for Mr Cahill this is a non-issue, and he believes the competitors should watch out.
“Manuka-shmanuka, the Kiwis have nothing on the honey we produce in Malaga. Personally I can’t wait to blow them out of the market. We’ll also be diversified with our product range, we’re about to release a range of WA salvage inspired beekeeping bandanas, and custom printed beekeeping suits. It’s the next evolution of beekeeping and honey production and we can’t wait to bring it to life.”
To stay updated with B Results product releases, honey tasting and beekeeping events please subscribe to our newsletter.
To enquire about honey related packaging or graphic design and branding, get in touch here!